
Maverick Advocaten market leader in merger notifications to Authority for Consumers & Markets

Maverick Advocaten has become the specialist in the field of obtaining approval for mergers and acquisitions from the ACM and other regulators. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in Het Financieele Dagblad on groundbreaking merger control judgement

Cyriel Ruers interviewed by Het Financieele Dagblad on Illumina/Grail judgement. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten at BNR on landmark US Google Search ruling

Cyriel Ruers was a guest on BNR Nieuwsradio to comment on 'landmark decision' by US judge. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten congratulates Youth Sports & Culture Fund on 25th anniversary

Long-term sponsorship offers children equal opportunities in sport and culture. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten interviewed by Global Competition Review on territorial supply restrictions proposal

Cyriel Ruers in GCR on EZK and seven other member states' proposal to reduce territorial supply restrictions. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in Het Financieele Dagblad on multi-million fine Mondelez for restricting parallel trade

Cyriel Ruers was interviewed on the implications of the fine imposed by the Commission on Mondelez for cutting up the internal market. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten interviewed by Pont Data & Privacy about anti-steering investigation into Apple and Alphabet

Cyriel Ruers in conversation with Pont Data & Privacy about fees for agreements made outside app stores. The topic concerned compliance with the DMA and possible defenses that Apple and Alphabet may invoke. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in debate with Martijn Snoep (ACM) on legal privilege

At the VVM Spring meeting, Judith Jansen argued that the ACM's approach to the right to legal privilege should be changed. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten hosts seminar on Aruban competition Law

Martijn van de Hel and Bas van Os review key elements of the new competition rules in Aruba. Read more >

Excellent Maverick Advocaten rises once again in top Dutch law firms

Team Maverick again receives praising reviews in the Legal500 law guide in the areas of competition law and healthcare/life sciences. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten scores again in Chambers 2024 ranking

Chambers has once again ranked Maverick Advocaten high on its list of the best Dutch law firms in the field of competition law and healthcare. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten at BNR on the enactment of the Digital Markets Act (DMA)

Cyriel Ruers was a guest on BNR News Radio in The Daily Move to explain the Digital Markets Act that went into effect on March 7, 2024. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in Lexology PRO on new directive against greenwashing

Cyriel Ruers was interviewed by Lexology PRO about the adoption of a new European directive on sustainability claims and misleading product information. Read more >

New talent at Maverick Advocaten

Maverick is excited to announce that it expands with a home-grown lawyer. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten authors Chronicle on Unfair Commercial Practices 2020-2022

Cyriel Ruers and Manon Dupont publish Chronicle in Tijdschrift voor Consumentenrecht & Handelspraktijken. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten again ranked amongst top best competition law firms in the Netherlands

Global Competition Review has ranked Maverick Advocaten highly in its list of best law firms in the field of competition law. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten launches information portal

Maverick Advocaten launches information portal on Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in Global Competition Review about dawn raid by ACM

Cyriel Ruers interviewed by Global Competition Review about raid at IT manufacturer. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten 10 years: Harry Mens TV interview on 'royal' warrant and lack of competition

The Business Class broadcast focused on the 10-year anniversary, the developments in the competition market, and the Maverick Advocaten N.V. royal warrant. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten expands with experienced lawyer Judith Jansen

Judith Jansen started at Maverick Advocaten in August 2023. Read more >

Adriaan Craita completes specialisation at King's College London

Adriaan Craita has successfully completed the EU Competition Law Postgraduate Programme. Read more >

Investments Screening Bill enters into force on June 1, 2023

Mandatory notification for mergers & acquisitions when there is a risk of national security. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in Het Parool about online trade in restaurant reservations

Cyriel Ruers interviewed by Het Parool about online trading in restaurant reservations. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten extends sponsorship Youth Sports & Culture Fund

Youth Sports & Culture Fund offers children equal opportunities in sports and culture. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten on with opinion piece on the enforcement of dark patterns

Following far-reaching proposals by the ACM on regulation of dark patterns, Maverick Lawyers wrote an opinion piece on Read more >

Maverick Advocaten: 'a true strategic partner'

Maverick again receives high praise in the Legal500 lawyer’s guide in the fields of competition and healthcare/life sciences. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten expands with lawyer Mats Reijman

Mats Reijman joins Maverick Advocaten. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten again calls on NZa in Zorgvisie to enforce duty of care

Diederik Schrijvershof and Leah Peeters have written two blogs for Zorgvisie on the NZa enforcement of health insurers' duty of care/procurement duty. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in Global Competition Review about high damages in cartel of cathode-ray tubes

Cyriel Ruers door Global Competition Review geïnterviewd over civiele claimzaak n.a.v. het beeldbuizenkartel. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten scores again in Chambers 2023 ranking

Chambers has once again ranked Maverick Advocaten high on its list of the best Dutch law firms in the field of competition law and healthcare. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten at BNR on limiting the resale of concert tickets

Cyriel Ruers was called in by BNR to comment on the news that Ticketmaster allows the resale of concert tickets exclusively through its own platform. Read more >

New talent at Maverick Advocaten

Maverick Advocaten is excited to announce that it expands with a home-grown lawyer. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in M&A Community with an update on the Investment Screening Bill

In view of the impending enactment of the Investment Screening Bill, Maverick Advocaten wrote a new blog for M&A Community. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in Global Competition Review about new launched investigations by Dutch Competition Authority in pharmaceutical sector

Cyriel Ruers interviewed by Global Competition Review on three new ACM investigations in pharmaceutical sector. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in Global Competition Review about new partner Cyriel Ruers

Launch of Cyriel Ruers attracts media attention. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten expands with new partner Cyriel Ruers

Cyriel Ruers has joined Maverick Advocaten as a partner as of 1 January 2023. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten again ranked amongst top-5 best competition law firms in the Netherlands

Global Competition Review again has ranked Maverick Advocaten high in the list of best law firms in the field of competition law. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten lectures at Grotius Academy competition law

Diederik Schrijvershof teaches part of the specialist course in competition law at Grotius. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten launches FDI information portal:

Maverick Advocaten opens information portal on the Investment Screening Bill. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in Zorgvisie on NZa supervision of health insurers’ duty of care

Diederik Schrijvershof was interviewed by Zorgvisie about the NZa's supervision of health insurers' duty of care. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten looks back on successful Top Gun event

Aftermovie, photos and enthusiastic reviews of our Top Gun movie event. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten organizes Top Gun event in Tuschinski

Private film show Top Gun: Maverick in beautiful movie theatre Amsterdam enormous success. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten extends sponsorship Friendship Sports Centre

Amsterdam children with a disability can play sport unlimitedly due to the Friendship Sports Centre. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten on the market power of retailers in the agri-food sector and sustainability in the agricultural and food supply chain

Diederik Schrijvershof and Tess Heystee have written an article titled "Sustainability in the agricultural and food supply chains and the market power of retailers: an unhappy marriage. Can competition law offer a solution?" for the Tijdschrift voor Agrarisch Recht. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten: 'amongst the top firms in competition law and clearly on the ball'

Maverick again receives high praise in the Legal500 lawyer’s guide in the fields of competition and healthcare/life sciences. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in Globe on the new Block Exemption for Distribution Agreements

Martijn van de Hel discusses the main changes in the Block Exemption for the assessment of distribution agreements. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in Watchdog about dawn raids at carmakers

Martijn van de Hel was interviewed by PaRR about the dawn raids in the automotive sector. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten scores again in Chambers 2022 ranking

Chambers has once again ranked Maverick Advocaten high on its list of the best Dutch law firms in the field of competition law and healthcare. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in podcast series Academie voor de Rechtspraktijk

Martijn van de Hel and Diederik Schrijvershof discuss current affairs in competition law. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in Global Competition Review about fifth consecutive million fine for Apple

Diederik Schrijvershof interviewed by GCR about the showdown between the ACM and Apple. Read more >

New talent at Maverick Advocaten.

Maverick Advocaten is excited to announce that it expands with a home-grown lawyer. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten ranked amongst top best competition law firms in the Netherlands

Global Competition Review has ranked Maverick Advocaten high in the list of best law firms in the field of competition law. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten on railway competition: a monopoly without a dominant position for NS?

Martijn van de Hel and Adriaan Craita write an article for the journal Mededingingsrecht in de Praktijk concerning the implications of the annulment of the fine that the ACM imposed on NS. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten litigates again on behalf of De Nederlandse ggz against inadequate long-term care rates

The Dutch mental health community's battle against healthcare offices for realistic rates for good mental healthcare is not over yet. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in De Jurist on ACM’s Sanoma/Iddink decision

Diederik Schrijvershof was asked by De Jurist to comment on the conditional approval by ACM (Netherlands Authority for Consumers & Markets) of Sanoma’s acquisition of Iddink. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten expands

Maverick Advocaten is excited to announce that it expands with a home-grown lawyer. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in financial newspaper about investigations regarding competition in container shipping industry

Diederik Schrijvershof has been interviewed by the leading Dutch financial newspaper about the dramatic price increase in the global container shipping industry. Read more >

Maverick in the press regarding Essent deal

Martijn van de Hel and Adriaan Craita are mentioned on in relation to the acquisition of Essent's wholesale activities by Eneco. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in NRC on €19,5 million ACM-fine for Leadiant

Diederik Schrijvershof was interviewed by NRC on the ACM’s fine for Leadiant for abuse of a dominant position. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten blog about the review of ‘killer acquisitions’ for M&A Community

Diederik Schrijvershof and Paul Breithaupt wrote for M&A Community about the development concerning the call of the European Commission to refer 'killer acquisitions' for assessment. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten: 'an excellent choice if you require competition law advice'

Maverick received this and more favorable testimonials in the latest edition of lawyer guide Legal500. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten is expanding its team with associate Adriaan Craita

Adriaan Craita joins Maverick Advocaten as per 1 April 2021. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten ranked high in Chambers Europe

Lawyer guide Chambers rewarded Maverick Advocaten once again with high rankings for both competition law and healthcare. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten features in worldwide guide of top lawyers in healthcare

Diederik Schrijvershof and Martijn van de Hel are featured in the international guide Who's Who Legal of top notch healthcare lawyers. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten ranked amongst top-5 best competition law firms in the Netherlands

Global Competition Review has ranked Maverick Advocaten high in the list of best law firms in the field of competition law. Read more >

New associates at Maverick Advocaten

Team continues to grow with talents trained by ourselves. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten on the enforcement by ACM of the Unfair Commercial Practices in the Agricultural and Food Supply Chain Act

Diederik Schrijvershof discusses the Act in the Nederlands tijdschrijft voor Europees recht. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in Global Competition Review on ACM's investigation into payment apps

Martijn van de Hel was interviewed by GCR about ACM's investigation into users’ freedom of choice regarding payment apps on smartphones. Read more >

Season’s greetings & Friendship Sports Centre

Due to COVID-19, no Christmas cards but instead a sponsorship for Friendship Sports Centre. Read more >

Martijn van de Hel in evofenedex news flash about cooperation on sustainability

Contribution in digital newsletter entrepreneurs association evofenedex about ACM Guidelines on sustainability agreements. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in Trouw, BD, Gooi and Eemlander, Zorgvisie and NRC on preliminary relief proceedings against care administration offices regarding long-term-care rates

A lot of media attention for the preliminary relief proceedings of the Dutch Mental Healthcare Association and its members against care adminsitration offices for inadequate long-term care rates 2021. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten responds in Global Competition Review to ACM's conditional approval for merger Omring en Vrijwaard

Diederik Schrijvershof has been asked by Global Competition Review to respond to ACM's approval under conditions. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten responds in Global Competition Review to ACM Sustainability Agreements Guidelines

Diederik Schrijvershof has responded in Global Competition Review to ACM’s new draft Sustainability Agreements Guidelines. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in on competition in Formula 1

Martijn van de Hel was requested by to comment on Mercedes team leader Toto Wolff’s multiple shareholdings in competing car manufacturers and Formula 1 teams. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten speaks at NGB webinar about crisis cartels during COVID-19

Martijn van de Hel spoke about competition rules and state aid during COVID-19 at a webinar for the Professional Association for In-House Counsel on 23 April. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten: ‘the perfect board room lawyer, because their knowledge of competition law is above any doubt’

Maverick once again received praising reviews in the lawyers guide Legal500 in the field of competition, healthcare, technology, media and telecoms. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in Mr-online on relaxation of competition rules in Corona period

Martijn van de Hel wrote a column for Mr-online about the relaxation of the competition rules in Corona period. Read more >

''Flourishing competition boutique'' once more at the top of Dutch law firms

Chambers has again ranked Maverick Advocaten high in the list of best Dutch law firms in the field of competition law and in healthcare. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in media on market power in the telecom sector

Martijn van de Hel has been interviewed by Financieel Dagblad and Tweakers about the nullification of the ACM decision to open up KPN's and VodafoneZiggo's networks to competitors. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten cracks tough nuts in Zorgvisie on proposed prohibition of healthcare mergers

Diederik Schrijvershof and Ramesh Kaushik have written a blog for Zorgvisie on the recent proposal of the Dutch minister De Jonge. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten engaged for European investigation by Luxembourg government into territorial supply restrictions

Martijn van de Hel and Annabel Kingma assisted Elvinger Hoss Prussen together with other international firms with research into restrictions on parallel trade. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten ranked again amongst best competition law firms in the Netherlands

Global Competition Review has ranked Maverick Advocaten again in the GCR 100 list of the best law firms in the field of competition law. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in RTL Nieuws, Hart van Nederland and the Volkskrant on forensic care preliminary relief proceedings against the State

Large amount of media coverage on the preliminary relief proceedings by eight forensic care providers against the Custodian Institutions Agency (DJI). Maverick Advocaten represents these care providers. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in Franchise & Recht on franchise and competition

Martijn van de Hel has written an article for the Franchise & Recht journal on the developments in franchise agreements in competition law. Read more >

Season's greetings

Happy christmas from all of us at Maverick Advocaten. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in Dutch newspaper on preliminary relief proceedings on low tariffs forensic care

Maverick Advocaten has been interviewed by Dutch newspaper Het Parool on the preliminary relief proceedings initiated by Inforsa (Arkin) and several other mental health care providers regarding to too low tariffs for forensic mental healthcare. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in Dutch newspaper on ACM and competition fines

Martijn van de Hel has been interviewed by NRC Handelsblad about ACM’s effectiveness as a cartel watchdog. Read more >

Maverick lectures at Grotius Academy competition law

On 13 November Diederik Schrijvershof lectured at the Grotius Academy for competition law. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in De Standaard on investigations into Big Tech

Martijn van de Hel was interviewed by De Standaard about the investigation in the US into the distortion of competition caused by Google. Read more >

Leah Peeters wins thesis award

Leah’s thesis on competition law protection of self-employed persons wins award. Read more >

Maverick Lawyers cycles with Jeugdfonds Sport

The team of Maverick Advocaten had a sportive day with a cycling clinic of Jeugdfonds Sport. Read more >

Martijn van de Hel in De Telegraaf on possible Ministerial approval of the PostNL/Sandd merger

Martijn van de Hel has been interviewed in newspaper De Telegraaf about the extraordinary nature of the possible approval of a merger between PostNL and Sandd by the Minister of Economic Affairs. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten expands with home-grown lawyers

Maverick Advocaten is excited to announce that it expands with two home-grown laywers. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in NRC about damage claim of Consumer Association against Philips

Martijn van de Hel has been asked by NRC to comment on the proceedings initiated by the Consumer Association against Philips, due to her participation in the Carthode Ray Tube cartel. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten and the National Foundation for Elderly at Circus Sijm

The team of Maverick Advocaten in cooperation with the National Foundation for Elderly has experienced a great day with the residents of nursing home Leo Polak at the circus show of Circus Sijm. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten again attracts praise in Legal500 ranking

The international research agency Legal500 has ranked Maverick Advocaten again high on the list of top law firms in the Netherlands. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in Dutch business magazine Quote on follow-on claim against Heineken

Maverick Advocaten has been interviewed by Dutch business magazine Quote about a follow-on claim pursued by a Greek brewery against Heineken Read more >

''Flourishing competition boutique'' rises again in ranking of top Dutch law firms

Chambers has ranked Maverick Advocaten again higher on the list of best law firms in the Netherlands in the field of competition law, healthcare and telecom. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten enriches team with home-grown lawyers

Maverick Advocaten is excited to announce that it expands with a home-grown laywer. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten ranked again amongst top competition law firms Netherlands

Global Competition Review has ranked Maverick Advocaten again in the GCR 100 list of best Dutch law firms in the field of competition law. Read more >

Martijn van de Hel in Magna Charta Magazine on developments in competition law

Martijn van de Hel has been interviewed by Academie voor de Rechtspraktijk about important developments in competition law. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten discusses the notion of a “cross-border interest” in the Journal for Public Procurement Law

Martijn van de Hel published an article on the notion of a “cross-border interest” in the Journal for Public Procurement Law. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten again among best lawyers in healthcare sector

Martijn van de Hel and Diederik Schrijvershof have been chosen by the Zorgvisie journal as the two best competition lawyers law in the healthcare sector. Maverick has therefore maintained the excellent score that it received in 2017. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten contributes to guide on Competition Litigation

Martijn van de Hel has contributed to the International Comparative Legal Guide to: Competition Litigation 2019. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in Politico on Commission investigation Digital Single Market

Maverick Advocaten has been interviewed by Politico about an ongoing investigation into a potential infringement of competition rules by American film studios Read more >

Martijn van de Hel and Maarten Haak discuss Coty judgment in Dutch intellectual property journal

Martijn van de Hel and Maarten Haak (Hoogenraad & Haak) have written an annotation in a Dutch intellectual property journal about the Coty judgment which states that a supplier may prohibit his distributors from selling via online market places. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten on competition law and sports: fair play also applies to sports associations

Martijn van de Hel has written an article for Mededinging in de Rechtspraktijk on competition law in sports. The article concludes that sports associations and sponsors should guard against unnecessarily restricting the commercial activities of sportsmen and sporting clubs. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten speaks at the Benelux Trademarks Congress

Martijn van de Hel spoke about the developments in the area of ​​trademarks and competition law at the Benelux Trademarks Congress. Read more >

Interview with Martijn van de Hel about the impact of the Netherlands commercial court on competition procedures

Martijn van de Hel has been interviewed by the international competition news agency Parr about the consequences of the foundation of the Netherlands Commercial Court (NCC). Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in M&A Community on gun jumping

Diederik Schrijvershof wrote a blog for M&A Community concerning the record fine the European Commission imposed on Altice. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in Zorgvisie Magazine regarding healthcare procurement process

Diederik Schrijvershof explains in Zorgvisie Magazine what healthcare insurers must do in order to comply with the covenant to establish an independent healthcare contracting dispute resolution authority in 2018. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten higher in ranking Legal500: ‘fast, well-connected and very alert’

Legal500 praises Maverick’s excellent position in the field of competition law. Read more >

''Flourishing competition boutique'' again at the top of Dutch law firms

Chambers has again ranked Maverick Advocaten in the list of best Dutch law firms in the field of competition law. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in FD about ACM’s oversight efforts regarding (expensive) prescription drugs

Diederik Schrijvershof provided his opinion in an article in Het Financieele Dagblad about the heightened attention of ACM for producers of prescription drugs and abuse of dominance. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten lectures at University Leiden

Maverick Advocaten presented a lecture on "Abuse of Dominance" at the University of Leiden Read more >

Maverick Advocaten speaks about ACM’s and the European Commission’s oversight efforts regarding expensive prescription drugs

Diederik Schrijvershof reacts to a key priority of ACM in 2018-2019: prices of prescription drugs. Read more >

Maverick’s opinion on ACM supervision in Het Financieele Dagblad

Martijn van de Hel and Diederik Schrijvershof in FD on ACM supervision. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten ranked again amongst best competition law firms Netherlands

Global Competition Review has ranked Maverick Advocaten again in the GCR 100 list of best law firms in the field of competition law. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten speaks about competition law and cooperatives

Diederik Schrijvershof speaks at a symposium of the Dutch Council for Cooperatives about competition law and cooperatives Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in Dutch newspapers on impact Coty ruling on selective distribution and online marketplaces

Martijn van de Hel was interviewed by Dutch national newspapers het Financieele Dagblad, De Telegraaf and NRC Handelsblad on the consequences of the judgement of the European Court of Justice in the Coty case. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in action during sports day Jeugdsportfonds

Maverick showed its sporty side in the Youth Sports Fund Amsterdam & Partners sports day. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten speaks at Dutch association for competition law

On 28 September 2017 Diederik Schrijvershof spoke about the application of competition law in the healthcare sector at the Dutch association for competition law (Vereniging voor Mededingingsrecht or VvM). Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in Mediaforum on judicial review of ACM market analysis decisions

A team of Maverick Advocaten published an article in Mediaforum on the developments of the case law by the CBb in relation to market analysis decisions of ACM. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten speaks at Annual Conference on Developments in Competition Law

On 5 October 2017 Martijn van de Hel will be one of the speakers at the 15th Annual Conference on Developments in Competition Law. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten reacts to decision to lower revenue thresholds regarding concentrations in healthcare

In a response to the consultation, Maverick Advocaten made propositions for a more effective review of concentrations in healthcare by the Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in leading Dutch newspaper on German car cartel

Maverick Advocaten was interviewed by the leading Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf on the German car cartel. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten and the National Foundation for Eldery aboard the MS de Jordaan

The team of Maverick Advocaten and the National Foundation for Eldery have experienced a great day with 85 eldery people aboard the MS de Jordaan. Read more >

Diederik Schrijvershof listed as one of the best lawyers in healthcare

Zorgvisie, a professional journal, has chosen Diederik Schrijvershof as one of the best lawyers in the field of healthcare. Read more >

Legal500: Maverick ‘easily competes with the larger firms’

Legal500 acknowledges Maverick’s strong position on Dutch legal market for competition law. Read more >

‘’Flourishing competition boutique’’ continues to rise in top Dutch law firms

Chambers has ranked Maverick Advocaten again higher on the list of best law firms in the Netherlands in the field of competition law. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten lectures at Leiden University

On 17 February Maverick Advocaten lectured competition law at Leiden University. Read more >

Maverick included in GCR 100

Maverick has again been included in the GCR guide to the world's leading competition law and economic practices. Read more >

Two experienced lawyers join the ranks of Maverick Advocaten

Mattijs Bosch and Tim Raats will be joining Maverick Advocaten on 1 January 2017. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten has relocated and risen to a great height

In light of the rapid growth of our firm we have relocated to Barbara Strozzilaan 360 in Amsterdam (Zuidas). Read more >

Maverick Advocaten speaks about joint purchase of expensive prescription drugs

On 13 October 2016 Diederik Schrijvershof spoke about the (im)possibilities for joint purchasing of expensive prescription drugs at the congress Consequences for transparency by add-on registration in 2017, organised by MEI Zakelijke Bijeenkomsten. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten expands with six new talents

Maverick Advocaten is excited to announce that it strengthens its team with three lawyers and three paralegals. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in national newspaper following truck cartel

Maverick Advocaten was interviewed by Dutch national newspaper NRC on record fine imposed by the European Commission on participants of the truck cartel. Read more >

The Maverick Fly Swatter in response to ACM’s anti-cartel campaign

Maverick Advocaten introduces the Maverick Fly Swatter in response to the campaign 'Cartels never go unnoticed' of the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM).  Read more >

Maverick Advocaten rises again in ranking of top Dutch law firms

The leading international lawyers guide Chambers & Partners has ranked Maverick Advocaten again higher on the list of best law firms in the Netherlands in the field of competition law and telecoms. Read more >

Legal 500: Maverick Advocaten ‘new household name’

The prestigious international lawyers guide Legal500 ranked Maverick Advocaten higher again on the list of top law firms in the Netherlands in the field of competition law, telecoms and healthcare. Legal500 says that Maverick Advocaten is ‘the new kid on the block but has enough power and energy to become a household name’Read more >

SEO and Maverick Advocaten conduct research on Dutch Competition Act for Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport

At the request of the Ministry of Health, SEO and Maverick Advocaten will conduct research on the possibilities for cooperation between first-line healthcare providers. The report is expected to be published in the summer of 2016. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten included in GCR 100 guide

Maverick Advocaten included in GCR 100, the guide to the world's leading competition law and economics practices. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten launches portal

The portal will provide companies with all the necessary information on the antitrust competition inquiry of the European Commission into the e-commerce sector in the European Union. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten again recommended by Chambers

After previously being recommended by Global Competition Review and Legal500, Maverick Advocaten has now also been classified by prestigious international lawyers guide Chambers & Partners as a Recognised Practitioner. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten one of the top law firms in the Netherlands

Legal500 and Global Competition Review have included Maverick Advocaten in the list of top law firms in the Netherlands in the field of competition law. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten expands further

Jos Gielen joined Maverick Advocaten as an associate on 1 March 2015. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten in the news

On 27 November 2014 a Dutch news bulletin interviewed Maverick Advocaten about a motion approved by the EP to break up internet companies like Google. Read more >

Strengthened Maverick Advocaten looks back on successful first year

Maverick Advocaten looks back on a successful first year. With the arrival of Charlotte Eijberts as of 1 September 2014 Maverick Advocaten further expands. Read more >

Interviews Maverick Advocaten with GCR on the industrial-laundry cartel, the Streamlining Act, energy auctions and the banking sector

Diederik Schrijvershof has been interviewed by GCR on the industrial-laundry cartel, the Streamlining Act, energy auctions and recommendations of ACM to stimulate competition in the banking sector. Read more >

Diederik Schrijvershof among the most promising lawyers in Europe

Diederik Schrijvershof is among the 40 best up-and-coming lawyers in Europe who have been included for the first time Chambers. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten publishes overview recent Dutch case-law cartel damage claims

Maverick Advocaten has published an overview of recent Dutch case-law dealing with cartel damage claims. Read more >

Interview Maverick Advocaten in GCR

Global Competition Review interviews Maverick Advocaten on the intended acquisition of cable operator Ziggo by Liberty Global (UPC). Read more >

Maverick expands office set up once more

Increasing demand for its services has once again led Maverick to expand its office organisation as from March 1st. Read more >

Maverick Advocaten lectures at Utrecht and Leiden University

Maverick Advocaten lectures competition law at Utrecht and Leiden University. Read more >

Diederik Schrijvershof speaker at EVO Seafreight congress

On 14 March 2014 Diederik Schrijvershof will speak at the EVO Seafreight congress. Read more >

Maverick strengthens its office set-up

The legal practice at Maverick has grown so fast that it was necessary to significantly strengthen the office set-up. Read more >

Maverick in the news

An interview with Maverick Advocaten has been published in the Global Competition Review. Read the complete article here. Read more >

Boutique law firm for competition law and regulation opens its doors

Today Maverick Advocaten N.V. (‘Maverick’) opens its doors on Amsterdam’s Zuidas. Maverick is the first boutique law firm in the Netherlands to focus exclusively on advising and representing clients in matters concerning competition law, economic regulation and consumer rights. Read more >


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