Maverick Advocaten in De Standaard on investigations into Big Tech

Martijn van de Hel was interviewed by De Standaard about investigations into 'big tech' as a result of the proceedings initiated in the United States by the public prosecutors of 48 states against Google. De Standaard writes:

After Europe's approach, in which Google, among other things, received sky-high fines of billions, a new, and perhaps even more dangerous, front for big tech is opening up in the US. There even seems to be a competition between the regulators who tackles which tech giant first or hardest', says Martijn van de Hel, lawyer specializing in competition law at the Amsterdam office Maverick, who acts against the tech giants in some European cases. More fines, more claims for damages, more regulation and even the separation of a company like Google, are in the offing.

Read the article here.

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Martijn van de Hel

T +31 20 238 20 02
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