
Ten tips on dawn raids by Netherlands Controlling Authority for Dairy and Eggs

In this blog, we discuss 10 tips that may help companies during announced and unannounced dawn raids by the Netherlands Controlling Authority for Dairy and Eggs (COKZ). Read more >

NZa and ACM extend regulatory holiday for health insurers: healthcare policy jungle rampant

New NZa and ACM rules on healthcare policies are another missed opportunity: NZa and ACM can and must do more to combat the policy jungle. Read more >

Agreements between suppliers and distributors: where are the boundaries?

In this blog we address the conditions that distribution agreements must meet under competition law. We also provide five practical tips for suppliers and distributors. Read more >

Merger control: Less predictability of M&A transaction notification requirements, more administrative obligations

Broadening of authorities’ powers and new review frameworks for M&A transactions. An overview of Dutch and international merger control developments. Read more >

Europe curbs greenwashing: five questions on proposed stricter rules for environmental claims

New European rules to combat misleading environmental claims expected in 2024. Read more >

7 tips for online sales to consumers

In this blog we address the latest developments in consumer law and provide tips for companies that sell to consumers online. Read more >

10 tips for dawn raids by the NVWA

In this blog, we discuss 10 tips that may help companies during announced and unannounced dawn raids by the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA). Read more >
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