
ACM intensifies its scrutiny of sustainability claims

The ACM is setting its sights on consumer law and sustainability. Companies are well advised to check and, if necessary, clarify their sustainability claims. Read more >

ACM puts the ball in the legislator’s court with agro-nutri monitor 2022: will there be a single sustainability label?

The ACM published its third Agro-Nutri Monitor. In this blog we take stock after three monitors and discuss the recommendations of the ACM. Read more >

Autumn 2022 trends

All key developments in competition law, economic regulation and consumer law listed for your convenience. Read more >

Ban on abuse of dominant position: valuable tool in the crackdown on pharma and tech companies

Many investigations and billion-euro fines. An overview of the main developments in the field of abuse of a dominant position. Read more >

Cartel supervision: focus on sustainability, proactive detection and new regulations

New developments surrounding the cartel prohibition and active enforcement by competition authorities. Read more >

ACM intensifies consumer law enforcement: new legislation and more investigations

Consumer protection: ACM targets energy sector, sustainability, and digital economy. Read more >

DMA, DSA & Data Act: gamechangers for digital economy almost in force

Digital Markets Act and Digital Services Act soon to enter into force and a Data Regulation is in the making: regulation of the digital economy. Read more >
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Autumn trends for 2023
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