
Care procurement 2025: healthcare providers, exercise your rights in time!

In this blog, we explain in 11 steps how you can exercise your rights in 2025 healthcare contracting to arrive at a sound 2025 contract with the healthcare insurer(s). Read more >

Residues in foodstuffs of animal origin: the rules, NVWA control and enforcement

In this blog, we outline the main regulations and practical points of attention regarding residues in foodstuffs of animal origin. Read more >

New: competition law in Aruba

Aruba’s Competition Ordinance entered into force early this year, allowing competition problems to be addressed under both administrative and civil law. Read more >

ACM rightly sees room for elderly care mergers

ACM considers collaborations and mergers in elderly care entirely possible. Read more >

NZa finally enforces duty of care/care procurement duty: a step forward, but fast improvement required

The NZa is taking action against health insurers for failing to comply with their duty of care/care procurement duty. In this blog, we explain that the NZa’s action is a step in the right direction, but that it still has a great deal of work to do. Read more >

How can a healthcare provider avoid an increase in the administrative burden due to healthcare contracting?

Everyone wants to reduce the administrative burden in the healthcare sector. But healthcare contracting nevertheless regularly leads to an increase rather than a reduction of the administrative burden for healthcare providers. As a healthcare provider, how can you and your trade association or professional association turn the tide? Four concrete tips are provided below. Read more >

Webshops and the Digital Markets Act: be aware of your rights

The DMA has come into force and contains new, strict rules for a select number of online platforms that entrepreneurs and consumers can hardly ignore. At first glance, the rules from the DMA seem complex. This blog focuses on the rights webshops have under the DMA. Read more >
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Autumn trends for 2023
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