
REMIT revised: strict rules for energy traders

The REMIT Regulation prohibits insider trading and market manipulation, and imposes transparency obligations on parties active on the energy market. REMIT was revised last month, whereby its scope was expanded. Some of the key topics are addressed in this blog. Read more >

Complaint filed against your company with the Advertising Code Committee? Take it seriously

The impact of rulings of the Dutch Advertising Code Committee is increasing. Companies should be wary of unintentional deception, particularly if they make sustainability claims. Read more >

Collaboration in tender procedures: a lot is possible, but beware of cartelisation

Bidding as a consortium is possible in many cases, but beware of competition law pitfalls. In this blog, we explain the possibilities and the issues to watch out for when bidding jointly. Read more >

Points to consider when setting up a food and feed traceability system

This blog addresses the main points to consider when setting up a food and feed traceability system. Read more >

Vifo Act: practical experiences after first year of FDI supervision in the Netherlands

In this blog, we address the practical experiences after the first year of the Investments, Mergers and Acquisitions (Security Screening) Act, to help you determine whether you are subject to a notification requirement under this new screening regime. We also address future developments in this area. Read more >

The Digital Services Act is in force – how does it affect medium-sized and smaller platforms?

The DSA imposes new obligations regarding the design and use of advertising, reviews and rankings on online platforms. Online platforms risk heavy fines if they fail to comply with these obligations. Read more >

High fines for use of dark patterns and ACM shuts down online store due to misleading practices

In cooperation with e-commerce trade association, Maverick will host a webinar on resale price maintenance and dark patterns on 14 May 2024. In this blog, we discuss how ACM enforces dark patterns and recently first used its powers to shut down a fraudulent online store. Read more >
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Autumn trends for 2023
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