
Merger control in 2017: authorities to have greater power?

The main focus of many merger assessments is on TMT, agrochemical and healthcare sectors. An adjustment of the merger thresholds is now being considered.  Read more >

ACM and the cartel prohibition: active and pragmatic enforcement

ACM is set to tackle cartels more actively. The administrative court will continue to critically review ACM’s (fining) decisions. Read more >

Competition law trends in 2017

The general elections will be held in The Netherlands on 15 March 2017. A major theme of many election programmes, whether it concerns employment, healthcare, agriculture or the role of the Dutch main ports, is “fair competition”. This newsletter takes a closer look at a number of major trends in competition law. Read more >

Choice of forum and competition law: opt for the easy approach

It is often difficult to say what disputes do or don’t come under a contractual choice of forum or arbitration clause – particularly in the case of civil claims based on breach of competition law. Under Dutch law, breach of competition law constitutes a wrongful act. Read more >

​​​​​​​Healthcare supervision: stormy weather forecast this autumn

After a summer with various interesting developments, very interesting developments are expected this autumn in the field of market supervision in the healthcare sector. The main ones are addressed in this blog. Read more >

Telecom: (provisional) deregulation on a greatly consolidated market

The main development in the Dutch telecom sector is undoubtedly the merger of the Dutch activities of Ziggo and Vodafone. The European Commission recently cleared that transaction. But it made the go-ahead conditional on Vodafone divesting its consumer fixed line business in the Netherlands. Read more >

New trend in Dutch civil case law? Successful reliance on competition law

Earlier this year we concluded that Dutch civil courts set the bar very high and are not easily inclined to enforce competition law. In 2016 a few interesting judgments have passed that suggest a more lenient approach. Read more >

Autumn trends for 2023
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