Maverick Advocaten litigates on behalf of the Dutch Mental Healthcare Association and mental healthcare providers against inadequate long-term care tariffs

Diederik Schrijvershof is representing the Nederlandse GGZ (Dutch Mental Healthcare Association, previously named GGZ Nederland) and 18 of its members throughout the Netherlands in preliminary relief proceedings against five healthcare administration offices regarding inadequate long-term-care tariffs in 2021. The Dutch Healthcare Association and its members are forced to challenge the 2021 tariffs imposed by healthcare administration offices because it is foreseeable that those tariffs will be inadequate to provide high-quality care. The healthcare administration offices are basing their tariffs on the 2021-2023 national procurement policy of Zorgverzekeraars Nederland (the Association of Dutch Health Insurers). That policy applies a 6% reduction to the Dutch Healthcare Authority tariff (i.e. a basic tariff of 94%). Healthcare providers are eligible for a 2% reduction from the 6% penalty in respect of the Dutch Healthcare Authority’s tariff only if they put in certain additional cost-increasing efforts. Such reductions of the cost-based tariff of the Dutch Healthcare Authority are inappropriate, according to the Dutch Mental Healthcare Association and its members.

More information on this case can be found here and here (in Dutch).

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Contact details

Diederik Schrijvershof

T +31 20 238 20 03
M +31 6 81 364 318