Diederik Schrijvershof

Diederik Schrijvershof has extensive experience of European and Dutch competition law, which he gained both as a private practitioner and as a corporate lawyer and a regulator.

Diederik has assisted many companies with the submission of notifications of concentrations to the European and Dutch competition authorities and advised on diverse forms of cooperation and distribution. He also assists parties that address the competition authorities to object to a merger or acquisition. He is familiar with the ins and outs of applying competition law in various sectors, especially retail & food, and has worked on gaining approval for a large-scale supermarket takeover and a merger between two Dutch dairy cooperatives. During a secondment to Shell as antitrust counsel, he gained experience in the application of competition law in the oil and gas sector.

He has supported companies during dawn raids by the European and Dutch competition authorities. He has submitted leniency applications to competition authorities besides working on national and international cartel investigations and proceedings and advising companies on the prohibition on the abuse of dominant positions. Diederik has provided compliance training in various sectors and has assisted with the implementation of compliance programmes.

Diederik is particularly interested in how competition law works in the healthcare, pharmaceutical and life science sector and has an excellent track record in this field. He was instrumental in getting the green light for various concentrations in the care and cure sector, including a merger between the Zeeuwse hospitals. He acted for all parties involved in the first successful complaint to the Dutch Healthcare Authority regarding the procurement process of a large healthcare insurance company.

His most recent activities include:

  • Advise on (termination) of relations with (online) distributors in several industries;
  • Successfully representing two major associations of general practitioners (LHV & VPH) in their appeal procedure at the Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal against the tariff decisions concerning general practitioner’s care of the Dutch Healthcare Authority;
  • Conducting research for the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport regarding cooperation of first-line healthcare providers under the Dutch Competition Act;
  • Representing a public transport company regarding an alleged cartel;
  • A high number of merger control notifications with the ACM and Dutch Healthcare Authority;
  • Assisting a company with an investigation by the ACM regarding possible anti-competitive behaviour in the construction sector.

Diederik has been recommended for many years in the prestigious guides to the legal profession Who's Who Legal, Legal500 and Chambers & Partners:

  • "Diederik Schrijvershof has a strong reputation for handling litigation within the healthcare sector, often representing mental healthcare providers. He also advises healthcare providers on competition law matters." (Chambers 2024)
  • "Diederik is a strategist with exceptional know-how. He is highly committed and able to approach complex legal issues from multiple angles, both inside and outside court." (Chambers 2023)
  • "Diederik Schrijvershof has extensive antitrust knowledge and is able to translate it to a commercial perspective, which results in pragmatic, clear and useful advice." (Chambers 2022)
  • "Specific stand-out partner: Diederik Schrijvershof. Diederik is proactive, approachable and very responsive. He provides practical advice, always maintains a broad perspective based on his knowledge of our business and proactively considers potential future legal risks and opportunities (and sends valuable updates in that respect)." (Legal500 2021)
  • Diederik Schrijvershof is highlighted as “an excellent lawyer for competition matters in healthcare” with extensive experience in high-profile mergers in the sector. (WWL Healthcare 2021)
  • "The ‘fast, well-connected’, ‘very alert’ team at competition boutique Maverick Advocaten N.V. is headed by the ‘courageous’, ‘strategic and to-the-point’ Diederik Schrijvershof." (Legal500 2018)
  • "Diederik Schrijvershof attracts praise for his work on distribution and cooperation matters, as well as cartel investigations" (Chambers 2017)
  • "Diederik Schrijvershof is highly recommended" (Legal500, healthcare & life sciences 2016) and "is knowledgeable and thorough" (Legal500 2017)
  • "Diederik Schrijvershof is especially active in competition work related to corporate transactions and cartel investigations" (Chambers 2015)

Cliënts say about him:

  • "Diederik Schrijvershof is just the legal adviser you need in a complex market like healthcare in the Netherlands." (Chambers 2024)
  • "Diederik Schrijvershof and Annabel Kingma excel in providing practical solutions. Their collective ability to navigate complexity and provide timely insights truly differentiates them in the legal field." (Legal500 2024)
  • "Diederik has provided a consistently strong performance in a complex case. He is very responsive and highly skilled strategically." (Chambers 2023)
  • "an analytical mind and a problem solver who combines sharp legal knowledge with a strong understanding of business and markets (Chambers 2022)
  • "Diederik Schrijvershof is proactive, approachable and very responsive." (Legal500 2022)
  • "an excellent choice if you require competition law advice." (Legal500 2021)
  • "very knowledgeable, pragmatic and quick in his response." (Chambers 2018)
  • "he's very fast in his reactions, his advice is always very appropriate, and he has great connections with the regulators. He's very consumer-oriented and proactive" (Chambers 2017)
  • "Diederik Schrijvershof is very knowledgeable and has strong know-how. His response times, timely information-sharing and personal advice have been highly appreciated" (Chambers 2016)

Diederik is co editor-in-chief of Tijdschrift voor Levensmiddelenrecht (Food Law Journal). Diederik has published copiously in professional journals and is a permanent member of the team of Tijdschrift Mededingingsrecht in de Praktijk. He also is a popular speaker at congresses and seminars and lecturer at the Grotius Academy for competition law.

Diederik obtains at least ten training credits annually in the legal practice area competition law in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.

Diederik practiced law at De Brauw and Van Doorne before becoming a co-founder of Maverick Advocaten N.V.

Diederik Schrijvershof
T +31 20 238 20 03
M +31 6 81 364 318

Contact details

Diederik Schrijvershof

T +31 20 238 20 03
M +31 6 81 364 318